The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) is mandated to grow and develop the country’s Agricultural sector through improving agricultural production and productivity by providing the enabling environment for farmers. MAF promotes appropriate research, extension, input delivery and market systems, thereby improving rural incomes, reducing poverty and maintaining the natural environment.
The major objectives of the Ministry are:
- To increase and diversify domestic production to achieve food self-reliance and food security in the medium to long term.
- To increase agricultural productivity, output, rural income and employment in a sustainable manner.
- To promote balanced regional Agricultural development and equitable income distribution in rural communities, and maximize foreign exchange earnings from agricultural products.
The Ministry is divided into an Administrative Division headed by a Senior Permanent Secretary and a Professional Division headed by a Director General.
MAF works very closely with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) whilst providing oversight to the following institutions: NARCC; RRS, Rokupr; IAR, Njala; NATC.
Dr. Henry M. Kpaka
Deputy Minister 1:
Dr. Theriser Tenneh Dick
Deputy Minister 2:
Mr. Sahr Hemore
Youyi Building,
Email: info@mafs.gov.sl Website:www.maf.gov.sl
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