The Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs is mandated to link the national development priorities and local level development initiatives. Specifically, the Ministry should:
- Formulate, implement, monitor, evaluate and coordinate reforms, policies and programmes to democratize governance and decentralise the machinery of Government.
- Reform and energize local governments to serve effectively as institutions for mobilising and harnessing local resources for local and national administration and development.
- Design and implement capacity building programmes for local government to improve service delivery and management of public resources.
- Promote transparency and accountability in local governance by making Local Councils directly accountable to their citizens and nationally whilst adhering to best practices of open Government
- Build local ownership and operational efficiency of the decentralisation process through effective development planning and budgeting, financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and other managerial functions.
In addition, the Ministry supports capacity building initiatives for local authorities and coordinate key actors at the local level; strengthen coordination between and among Ministries, Local Councils and Service Delivery Agencies; coordinate chiefdom governance reforms in line with the decentralization framework; maintain the relevance of Paramount Chieftaincy by the timely filling of vacancies and build the capacities of Chiefdom Administrators as per the Chieftaincy Act of 2009.
To promote leadership in policy formulation, coordination, standard setting and oversight in order to ensure democratic local Governance responsive to the aspirations of the people in promoting good governance, maintenance of peace, and the provision of services to improve the welfare of people.
A nation where there is peace and stability, justice, inclusiveness and improved sustained service delivery through democratic local governance.
The Ministry leads Government’s effort in coordinating local authorities in the District Councils and Wards. The Ministry supervises 7 (seven) urban councils (Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Makeni, Port Loko Koidu-New Sembehun and Bonthe), 13 district councils, (Western Area Rural District, Bo, Kenema, Bombali, Moyamba, Falaba, Koinadugu, Kono, Kambia, Port Loko, Karene, Kailahun and Bonthe), and 150 chiefdoms. The Ministry is also responsible for the implementation of devolved functions to the districts.
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