The Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs was established in 2020 after the erstwhile Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children Affairs was divided into two: The Ministry of Social Welfare and the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs. This establishment of the MoGCA underscored the importance Government places on the well-being of Children and the need for Gender parity in Sierra Leone.
The Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs is mandated to undertake the following:
- Lead the development, implementation and monitoring of the policy and legal framework issues relating to women and children.
- Lead the development and monitoring of policies related to Gender and in line with the Gender Equality Women Empowerment (GEWE) Act 2022 to achieve full participation of women in development.
- Take necessary actions to achieve full participation of women in development
- Liaise with development partners and NGOs in addressing issues affecting women and children
- Collaborate with Ministries, Departments and Agencies working on Gender and Children’s issues to ensure the GEWE Act and related legal instruments are implemented.
- Mobilization of resources in support of Gender and Children related projects
- Ensure Gender and Child responsive national development framework
The Ministry has the following Directorates: Gender Affairs: Children’s Affairs; Planning and Strategic Policy Development.
Dr Isata Mahoi
Deputy Minister:
Hindolo Buakai Bindi
6 Big Waterloo Street, Freetown
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