The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has the national mandate to provide and engage in social relief programmes and promote community-based demand-driven and sustainable development interventions leading to poverty reduction with quality and speed in the implementation of development initiatives. The Commission continues to fulfil its mandate through the provision of social protection, social infrastructure, agriculture and livelihoods, renewable energy, climate resilience/ mitigation and service delivery countrywide.
Consistent with its operational paradigm and programme focus, the Commission’s programme portfolio consists of the following:
The Sierra Leone Community Driven Development Programme (SLCDD II) also known as GIETRENK is a microenterprise development and value chain enhancement project with funding of USD 46.68 million provided by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), over 14,000 women across the country benefited from the scheme through financial assistance and requisite knowledge and skills to enhance their livelihood activities and enterprise development; construction of community infrastructure including schools, health centres, water and sanitation facilities and renewable energy. This project will end in November 2024 but the development of a successor project is at an advanced stage.
To deepen the peace consolidation process and promote employment and income generation for youth and women in selected rural and semi-urban areas, the Commission recently raised 17.5 million Euros in a successor project – Pro-Poor Growth for Peace Consolidation and Youth Empowerment (GPCYE) from the German Development Bank (KfW). The project provides short-term employment to youths through their involvement in spot improvement and construction of feeder roads including bridges, culverts, paddocks, grain stores and water wells. The project end date is May 2028.
Social protection for poor and vulnerable households with a conscious focus on persons with disability/ special needs. The project has benefited over 100,000 households through Social Safety Net (SSN) cash transfers to the extremely poor including during emergencies. In 2023, the Government of Sierra Leone received the World Bank's approval of US$42m Investment Project Financing (IPF) for a successor project to the SSN, the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project that is well underway. It is implemented in collaboration with the National Youth Commission (NAYCOM), Ministry of Youth Affairs (MOYA), the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and Statistics Sierra Leone form 2023 -2028.
In close collaboration with UNHCR the Commission consistently provides proactive protection and registration of asylum seekers, refugees, irregular migrants and other persons of concern as described in relevant international conventions. NaCSA continues to provide a favourable protection atmosphere to these persons of concern by providing durable solutions, provision of cash grants and legal documentation. The Commission is currently lobbying member organisations of the ExCoM to fund the ‘Tenki Salone’ for host communities for their support to refugees and persons of concern.
The Social Safety Nets for Persons with disability also known as the Sierra Leone. Disability Project (SLDP) is funded 100% by the Government of Sierra Leone with a disability-specific focus. It’s an NLe17m project that provides microfinance and skills training targeting 20,000 beneficiaries in 12 districts from 2021 - 2025.
The Community Driven Development Project (CDDP) is a community-based intervention aimed at constructing, reconstructing, and rehabilitating community facilities in rural areas of Sierra Leone. Funded by the government, the project will address issues such as health facilities, markets, schools, and community centres. It will also improve economic situations by providing temporary job opportunities, increasing access to education, improving health and hygiene conditions, and providing drying and storage facilities for harvested crops. The project aims to address issues not covered by traditional donor projects. It is exclusively supported by the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL).
The Rapid Community Development Initiative (RACODI) Project: In the past, the information generated from community town hall meetings has not been used in planning and often, the Government has not responded positively to such requests. In a way, this widens the divide between the citizenry and Government. Responding to community requests made in public meetings through funding builds the trust and confidence of the citizenry and thereby lays a solid basis for civic engagement. Partly, this could be because such requests are usually not included in the budget and therefore funding remains a challenge. To avoid extra-budgetary spending and fast-track the implementation of community requests, it is proposed that a Special Fund be established to fund small-scale community projects requested by the communities to the President.
For clarification and further details, kindly contact Umaru Samai, Project Officer- IEC, NaCSA +23277022709/+23276378993/ umarusamai@nacsa.gov.sl
visit NaCSA headquarters at 14-16 Charlotte Street, Freetown or
at various district offices:
11 Masingbi Road Kono, 88 Barracks Road Kambia, 56 Teko Road Makeni, 38 Post Office Road Magbuarka, 1a Alkalia Lane Kenema, Massaquoi Lane Sulima Section Moyamba, 12 Seibureh Road Bo, 52 Koinadugu Road Kabala, 78 Falaba Road Portloko and Off Buedu Road Togbobu Kailahun.
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