The National Sports Authority is Sierra Leone’s Government leading agency on sports that provides strategic guidance/supervision, support, and investment in sports, as well as regulate and monitor all sporting activities in a way that will complement the general approach to National Development in the country. The Authority which was enacted by an Act of Parliament in 2017 replaced the National Sports Council Act 1965.
To provide a legitimate and orderly avenue for the overall development in the sports sector, that will ensure good governance, effective management and efficient coordination of sports, clarity of roles, sporting excellence and mass participation in sports by both the abled and disabled, in a gender-balanced society that surmounts all political barriers in the country.
To promote our national identity, friendship, religious tolerance, national pride and integration that will enhance the attainment of world-class standard through continuous improvement, which will put Sierra Leone among the elites, both in Africa and the world.
To promote and develop sports as an industry, equipped with the requisite professional resources, both human and material, that will enhance national/international competence in promoting sporting excellence among the youth and young adults, including the physical health and wellbeing of all Sierra Leoneans.
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