World Hope International (WHI) is a Christian relief and development organization working with vulnerable and exploited communities to alleviate poverty, suffering, and injustice. WHI uses market-based and community-driven enterprise solutions to empower, protect, and build resiliency through innovative, environmentally conscious, and transformative projects. We deliver our programming through strategic local and global partnerships to create a maximal, sustainable impact.
Our vision is to provide those in need with opportunity, dignity, and hope so they can possess the tools for change in themselves, their family, and their community. WHI supports all people regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, or religion.
Today, WHI continues its mission as a voice for the silent, an opportunity for the oppressed and water for those who thirst. WHI helps provide the dignity that comes from an educated mind, a healthy body, an honest day’s wage and a safe place to heal. WHI is the one who comes alongside those gripped by poverty to offer a hand up instead of a handout. But more than anything, WHI is the reflection of Jesus Christ’s compassion for all who suffer.
WHI programmes are developed within the framework of four core values:
Transformation: Individuals and communities are transformed into ones with dignity and wholeness through spiritual, social, economic, and physical change.
Sustainability: Lasting impact is realized through locally sustainable programmes.
Empowerment: Development occurs to the extent that local communities, leaders, and individuals are empowered to affect change.
Collaboration: The means of development are demonstratedCollaboration: The means of development are demonstrated through partnering with the local community, like-minded organizations, and individuals.
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