The country is one of the world’s richest fishing grounds, with more than 500 kilometers of coastline and a continental shelf of 30,000 square kilometers fed by seven major rivers. The region boasts a viable commercial fish stock including shrimp, cephalopods, lobster, demersal and pelagic species.
Fishery contributes over 10 percent to GDP and provides an estimated 80 percent of animal protein, with direct employment for more than 100,000 persons and indirect employment to some 500,000 persons along the coastlines. Yet, it is challenged by poor management regimes, weak infrastructure and fishery support services, overfishing, and is severely impacted by illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, with the main culprits being foreign fleets whose illegal activities are confined within the Exclusive Economic Zone.
In fisheries, the government in 2019 signed a $29.8 million partnership agreement for the construction of a fish harbor complex with a reefer quay and transshipment facilities. The complex will also provide cold storage facilities, bonded stores, ice sales, purchase of fish and fishery products for export and the maintenance of fishing and patrol vessels. A $3.2 million partnership agreement to improve fish smoke ovens, and water, sanitation and hygiene has also been signed. A multi-purpose, surveillance, and patrol vessel to police the entire EEZ has been secured and a radar system installed to surveillance and monitor the country’s waters.
Increased Fishing Activities
Increased fishing activities for high valued exportable seafood, such as snapper, grouper, catfish, barracuda, tuna, cuttlefish, squid, lobsters, and herring.
Fish Processing
Fish is a highly perishable food which needs proper handling and preservation if it is to have a long shelf life and retain a desirable quality and nutritional value. This will also increase the monetary value of these products for local and international markets, and thus bring in more for the company and government.
For more information: visit website: https://www.govserv.org/SL/Freetown/707315382673283