Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Limited was established by an act of Parliament on February 15, 1973, with a start-up capital of Le 500,000 (old Leones) from an authorized share capital of Le 1,000,000 (old Leones) and staff strength of twenty pioneer staff to serve large corporations, small and medium enterprises, and individual customers. The Government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Finance, holds 89.19%, and the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) holds 10.81%.
The principal activities of the Bank include retail, wholesale, corporate and commercial banking, trade finance, bonds, guarantees, etc. SLCB has the largest branch network operating in all regions across the country, the largest profit, deposit base, and balance sheet size.
The Bank has leveraged information technology to improve efficiency and deliver convenience to our customers. Our new Information Technology platform is being harnessed to offer innovative and cutting-edge products to customers, enabling banking transactions at any time and from anywhere with digital products such as Mi Yone SLCB Visa Card, Mi Yone SLCB Mobile App, and Mi Yone SLCB Moni.
Our technology strategy has evolved in tune with current trends of social collaboration, mobility, and digitalization, resulting in reduced turnaround times and extended benefits to our stakeholders.
VISION - “The Market leader in Financial Services”
- Siaka Stevens Street
- Lightfoot Boston Street
- Wilkinson Road
- Cline Town `
- Adonkia
- Youyi Building
- Spur Loop, Wilberforce
- Kissy
- Jui
- Waterloo
- Kono
- Kenema
- Bo
- Mobimbi
- PortLoko
- Makeni
- Njala
- Lumley
Victor Head Office Address:
Christian Smith Building
29/31 Siaka Stevens Street
+232 79 211121 / +232 88 225225